Ambassador Spotlight: Darcy Denney

Ambassador Spotlight: Darcy Denney
Darcy was born to be on the water. Growing up in always-sunny Florida, she relished in the plentiful opportunities to make her way outside, feeling the warm breeze on her face as she dove, swam, and bathed in the warm salt water. As time passed and life took her to new places with exciting opportunities, she found her way to North Carolina where she found herself land-locked, hours away from the happy place she knew as a child.

During this time though, she discovered a brand-new passion- yoga. As she continued a daily practice, growing in wisdom and strength through every new pose, she felt a calling to spread her knowledge to others in her community. Through this outreach, her sights began to set on her original love- the water. With this idea in mind, she decided to combine yoga with SUP, thus finding the perfect balance between her two callings.

Then, in 2012, SUP-Pines was born. Classes began in her local body of water, where she offered beginner lessons on the boards and SUP yoga classes in the water. The people in her community began to see the benefits of practicing the gentle poses, energizing their bodies all while feeling the calming currents underneath the board. And as a consequence, her business began to grow.

Evolve took notice, reached out, and decided to offer an Ambassador position to Darcy. With our Roots board, we provide yogis with a perfect, stable platform, with a soft cork mat made by Yoloha Yoga. This combination of stability and comfort provides yogis with the ultimate tool to take their poses to the water.

After a few smiles, a look at our boards, and a palpable excitement shared on both sides, we welcomed Darcy to the team! She is the perfect addition to the Evolve team! So, if you are ever in her area in North Carolina, we implore you to check out her classes! And if you want to visit her website, be sure to check it out here.

1. Reasons I love SUP & Yoga: My love for SUP began in Sunny FL where I grew up, never far from the beach I was born a water baby! After moving to NC in 2012 & being land locked, a few hours from the beach, I yearned to get back on the water. I was in the process of becoming a yoga teacher so I decided I could create a company that offered SUP-Yoga here locally & began the process to get this secondary certification, from there SUP-Pines was born! Fusing my two passions & sharing it with my community has been such an amazing experience! Its a great way to get moving outside, explore new lakes, unplug & a welcome challenge to any yoga practice. Surrounded by nature & connecting back to mother earth is so necessary in this socially stimulating society we live in. Oh & the savasana. It’s the most grounding experience you could imagine...under a sunset, birds chirping, rippling water, warmth on your skin, the stillness, the vastness…

2. My favorite way to ‘share stoke & spread aloha’ is: Continue to bring SUP Yoga to a community that has very little water sports, watching some conquer their fears of “getting wet” during a session, finding their edge & seeing my students smile as they paddle back to shore!

3. A goal that lights me up: Currently manifesting a retreat center that has access to water, a chef’s kitchen for plant-based eats, surrounded by nature with morning meditations & afternoon hikes! Throwing it out into the universe!!

4. Words to live by: May you find a stillness in your mind that allows you to focus on creating your dreams, may your words be impeccable towards one another as well as to yourself, may your heart be filled with joy, may it know peace, be filled with love & spread that love to the world around you!

5. My guilty pleasure is: Almond butter filled dates with dark chocolate drizzle!

6. My favorite paddle place in the world is: Hawaii so far! I have New Zealand on my list of places to paddle in the near future!

7. Some little known things about me are: I am a Plant-Based Chef! I am currently working toward opening an all plant-based cafe with my sister where people can learn more about conscious consumption & ways to incorporate more plants into their meals, all the while sipping on a house made nut milk latte with a full belly after nourishing their body with one of our nutrient dense meals!

8. What I love most about my work is: Connection hands down! Connecting to people & connecting back to mother nature.

9. One BIG audacious goal I'm working on is: My next big goal for SUP-Pines is to take the current teacher training module I am creating on the road to a retreat destination where students can have down time to relax & replenish as well as learn the art of teaching SUP yoga.

10.Three things I can't live without are: Movement, Food & My family for sure!

11.To me, my 'practice' is: Rolling out my mat or dropping in my board, letting go of my day, my worries, doubts & fears. Moving in a way that feels authentic to what my body needs allowing my practice to evolve in the most supportive and nourishing way possible. Creating space within my body & within mind to move through this life with a little less force & a lot more grace!